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Christmas Sunday

What's up fam? I know it has been more than a minute.

Phew! It has been too long and I apologize. I will try to ensure I post regularly next year.

Yesterday, I came across a collection of poems I wrote when I was between the age of 16 - 17 with the pseudonym Lovilia.

I am going to share all of them on my blog starting with one I originally titled SUNDAY.

I actually wrote this poem on a Sunday afternoon. Whether I wrote it when I was in church or after, I really cannot remember.

I have modified it a bit but I will try my best to post the others as my 16/17-year-old self wrote them.

Why am I starting with this poem? Well, today is Sunday and I am feeling nostalgic.

 Let's just say that I am dedicating this poem to the last Sunday in 2018 and all the Christmas Sunday's to come till infinity. Lol...

Here it goes:

Christmas Sunday

Ding! Dong!

The church bells ring

It is Sunday morning!

It is time for service.

Parents and Children

Hurry towards the big cathedral

In obedience to the tolling of the bell

Hymns are sung

Offerings are paid

The priest appears behind the podium

With his white robe and shiny spectacles

The day's sermon is meticulously delivered

The closing hymn is sung

Children and Parents hurry home

Rice and Chicken stew at the back of their minds.

I hope you enjoyed it? Don't ask me why I ended it with Sunday rice and stew 😂 I was probably hungry but if you are a Nigerian, I am sure you can relate. Thank you for reading.

Do leave your comments and thoughts about this poem below. Constructive criticism is welcome.

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