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Showing posts from February 21, 2016

The Bondage Of Religion

One may stop to wonder at this topic and become naturally prejudiced even before you start reading this article, some may not even stop to read the first line once they have read the heading while others(a select few that are open minded) will be piqued with interest and read on to know what this article has to offer. Whatever category you belong to. I urge you to read on.  Religion according to the Oxford dictionary is a system of faith based on the belief in the existence of a god or gods and the activities that are connected with the worship of them.  Religion has helped in so many ways to keep man on the straight and narrow by appealing


Photo credit: Life was a whole lot easier as a kid. No worries, playing around all day with your friends. No strife or hate, no need to worry about tomorrow because you were certain dad and mom would provide everything you needed. One didn't understand certain things and even though you were curious, they never really bothered you. Crying was only necessary when you were beaten by an older person or deprived of something you wanted at the time but even in the midst of that crying, it was easy to make you laugh and forget. Laughing, forgetting and forgiving came easy. You didn't have to think about it or work yourself up to