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Ode To A Vintage Soul

Vintage Soul

November 26th, 2017 will never remain the same for me. You died same time I set my alarm to wake up on Sunday mornings. 6:30am on Sundays will always remind me that you are no longer here.  I miss your bubbliness, your laughter, your sarcasm, your humor...

How do I summarize your being in two lines Gogzy? 

Classy diva with a sense of humor and brains for ages sounds just about right.

I'm more than glad I got to meet an amazing person like you in my lifetime.

Saying goodbye is difficult but I know I will see you again Gogzy. 

Thank you for being amazing. Creative, incredible, delectable, irreplaceable, beautiful, wise, smart, classy... I could go on. 

I'm more than glad I got to meet an amazing person like you in my lifetime and I realize now more than ever that you would not want us to be sad but to think of you and smile. 

I can already imagine you making major adjustments and contributions in heaven because that's who you are. 

You make everywhere you go a better place and you make everyone you meet better versions of themselves. 

It's difficult not to feel sad that you are gone from this world. I will carry your happy memories in my heart always. I know I'll see you again Gogzy. Shine on.

Aghogho 'GogzyMadonna' Itua loved to write but never considered herself a blogger or writer. Her write-ups were amazing and fun to read. Catch a glimpse of what she was like on her blog here.


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